
2024-2025 Enrollment Lottery
2024-2025 Enrollment Lottery
2024-2025 Enrollment Lottery
An enrollment lottery for 2024-25 openings will be held within the week of May 20, at 4:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact the Hearthstone office at bwatts@bcoe.org or (530) 532-5848 ext. 1102. Families will be contacted in order of lottery pull for each grade level to complete the registration process for enrollment.
required documents
required documents
required documents
The parent/legal guardian must provide the following documents to the Hearthstone office
1.Proof of legal guardianship (if you are not the parent)
2.Proof of student’s date of birth (birth certificate, birth record, passport, baptismal certificate, affidavit of the parent/guardian or custodian of the minor, or other legal proof)
3. Immunizations
4. Proof of residence in the parent/guardian’s name. Acceptable items include:
3. Immunizations
4. Proof of residence in the parent/guardian’s name. Acceptable items include:
- Current Utility Bill (PG&E, water, sewer, cable, internet provider)
- Voter registration
- Pay stub
- Correspondence from a government agency (Social Security, Child Support Services, Superior Court, Social Services)
- Current Rent Receipt
- Rental/Lease Agreement
Your documents may be submitted by email, mail, in person, or by fax (530) 532-5847.
other information and suggested documents
other information and suggested documents
other information and suggested documents
Providing the items below and attending a school tour/information meeting help to support your student in the personalized learning program:
- Copy of the most recent I.E.P. Behavior Plan, 504 Plan, or Health Plan (if this applies)
- Current Report Card (Gr TK-8)
- Unofficial Transcript (Gr 9-12)
- Current Attendance
- High School Essay (Gr 9-12) (This will provide information for personalized learning and is not intended for screening.)
You will be provided a link to complete student registration online. The student and parent will meet with the School Counselor (grades 9-12) or Parent Liaison (grades TK-8) to complete registration. Students are to remain in school until their registration is complete
If you would like to attend a school tour and informational meeting or have questions, please contact us by email or at (530) 532-5848 ext. 0.
California Education Code (EC) Section 476085(d)(4) states the following: A charter school shall not discourage a pupil from enrolling or seeking to enroll in a charter school for any reason. Charter Complaint Form